Understanding Market Abuse Letters and Their Growing Significance
Identity Verification Explained - Methods, Benefits, and Challenges
Want Better Legal Service? Learn How to Scare a Lawyer Into Taking Action
Facebook & Instagram to Launch Facial Recognition Technology to Combat Cele...
How AI Legal Drafting Tools Are Transforming In-House Legal Teams
Revealed: Top Ten Law Schools to Go to in 2020
Graduating from Law School is a tremendous feat in itself. Not only does it require you to battle it out with...
Ami CicconeMay 19, 2020 -
Are You Too Old for Law School, Here’s What You Need to Consider Before Choosing the Major
If you are here, that means you, like many others, chose a career path that has proved to be unsatisfactory. Now...
Ami CicconeMay 18, 2020 -
Pursuing a Career in Environmental Law? Read This Article First
Choosing a career is never an easy task, and most people keep switching jobs before settling for one that is the...
Ami CicconeMay 8, 2020 -
The REAL Truth Behind Recent CEO Resignations Will Leave You Speechless
Lately, there have been a number of high profile CEO resignations from some of the most established corporate firms in the...
Ami CicconeApril 29, 2020 -
Street-Smart VS Courtroom-Smart: What Type of Lawyer Are You?
As a lawyer, you’ve been told that books truly matter. In fact, going through law school, you came across hundreds of...
Ami CicconeApril 16, 2020 -
Having a Hard Time Juggling Parenting and Law School? These Tips Might Help You Find the Balance
What do parenting and law schools have in common? They are both stressful, time-consuming, and demanding but quite rewarding, nevertheless. But...
Ami CicconeApril 15, 2020 -
Are You Ready to Be a Lawyer? 5 Things to Ask Yourself Before Taking the Plunge
Perhaps you have entertained the thought of appearing in court and defending an innocent man, but the reality of being a...
Ami CicconeMarch 4, 2020 -
Even Summer Associates are Concerned with Their Mental Health, Proving How Stressful Legal Field Is
Being a lawyer is as glamorous as being a celebrity, one might think. If you think about the money they earn,...
Ami CicconeDecember 8, 2019 -
The Number One Mistake Law Students Make During an Exam And How You Can Avoid It
Stressful, time-consuming, life-draining — these only but a few words that describe law school. You don’t need to be a part of it to know...
Ami CicconeDecember 6, 2019 -
This is Why Your Application to Law School May Get Rejected
There is a multitude of reasons why your application to law school may get rejected, but those reasons are never stated....
Ami CicconeDecember 3, 2019