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What You Should Do After A Car Accident

The number of personal injury cases is increasing significantly because of the higher number of motor vehicle accidents which are being reported regularly. People who are involved in car accidents will find it helpful to protect their legal rights if they make an attempt to understand what they should be doing immediately after car accidents.

It may not just help them make a claim with their insurers but could also make it convenient for them to claim damages from the other party. Let us look at what you should be doing after car accidents.

Actions to take after car accidents

The moments immediately after car accidents can be frightening because most people tend to panic. Rather than getting into the panic mode people are advised to follow the checklist we have provided because it will be helpful for them.

Verify the safety of all occupants

People must verify the safety of all occupants of the car after car accidents because some may need medical attention. The scene of the accident must also be observed to understand if there are any risk factors which can cause further harm. Emergency help must be sought if injuries are noticed.

Report the accident

You are required to report car accidents by most jurisdictions which involve injuries and property damage over a certain figure. You will in any way be required to have the car accident reported for the assistance you need with the claim process with the insurance company.

Getting your police report will prove beneficial especially if you were not at fault for the accident because it can substantiate your case and make it easier for you to have your claim processed by the insurance company.

Have a discussion with the other driver

It is essential for you to exchange information with the other driver and get his or her name, address, driver’s license number, and license plate number. Noting down a description of the vehicle will also prove along with asking for information about the insurance card of the other driver to ensure you can copy it down. You are not required to discuss the cause of the accident or even apologize because anything you say can and will be used against you.

Take pictures of the accident scene

Taking pictures of the accident along with the scene should not be difficult because all cell phones are presently equipped with cameras. You should be taking pictures of the following:

The location of the accident and the position of the vehicles at the time of impact.
The damages to your vehicle and the other vehicle.
Damage to anything else around the scene of the accident.
Evidence of debris lying around on the roadway.
The weather conditions.
Brake marks on the roadway.
Details of injuries.

Checking for witnesses

You should be looking out for any witnesses who may be on the scene and collect their names and addresses while requesting them to remain at the scene for providing a statement for the car accident report. Surveillance cameras which may have been installed on the streets could provide information about the circumstances of the incident and could prove as invaluable as a witness statement.

Write down a description

Write down a description of the accident when the events of fresh in your mind making notes of how the accident occurred along with the date, time, and location.

Make notes of the weather condition and any information which you feel may have contributed to the car accident. The information will prove helpful for you with your car insurance provider.

Seek medical treatment and contact a lawyer

Some injuries may not be evident to you immediately after the accident and therefore you are advised to seek the treatment you need for any injuries which you may have suffered. Contacting a lawyer at the earliest is also advised because the lawyer will be able to handle the communication between you and the insurance company.

If you or anyone you know gets into car accidents ensure that you follow the checklist provided because it can only help you deal with your claim faster.

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